Summer Fun Reading Program
Summer 2020 Dates to Be Announced
Our Summer Fun Reading Program fits neatly packaged into four unforgetable days. In effective reading instruction, 5 key areas are taught:
1) phonemic awareness
2) decoding
3) vocabulary
4) fluency
5) comprehension
We call it the “Bridge to Reading”. One of these key areas becomes the focus of each day.
4 Day Summer Fun HPR Program Daily Schedule
9:00 - 9:15 Concept for the Day/Review
9:15 - 10:30 Horse Powered Reading Activity #1
10:30 - 11:00 Literature Circle / Reading Activity and Snack
11:00 - 11:45 Horse Powered Reading Activity #2
11:45-12:00 Processing and Wrap-Up
What Concepts Will Be Covered Each Day?
There will be a variety of reading concepts covered each day. Activities are planned depending on the grade level and needs of the students. Below is a sampling from an elementary school summer program.
Activity #1 "Rip Roaring Readers"
Activity #2 "Word Sort" or "Word Chopper Checkers"
Decoding by analogy: You can read other words with the same phonogram by just changing the beginning sound
Some sight words are tricky- how can you remember them?
Adding the "magic e" to the end of many CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words will change the vowel to make it say its name
Long words can be easily decoded by breaking them into syllables and seeing the phonograms
Activity #1 "Vocabulary Soccer"
Activity #2 "Horse Labeling"
Rainy Day Activity- "Reader's Theater"
Many words have multiple meanings
Synonyms & antonyms
What happens when you “skip” over words you don’t know? You have to circle back and re-read
Activity #1 "Fluency Course" or "Reading Racers"
Activity #2 "Painted Ponies"
Create obstacle course with various words on cones, balls, puzzle pieces. Then work with your team to complete the course 3 times
1st time through read words/sentences from their stories in the path accurately
2nd time through, read the path accurately but as quickly as you can
3rd time through, read accurately and quickly, but add EXPRESSION!
Paint your pony and practice "prosody" (expression)
Activity #1 "Catch and Halter"
Activity #2 "Story Circle"
With your team, talk about what you have learned so far about your 4 legged reading buddy
Using what you already know, go and connect with your reading buddy and get them ready for our next activity
If something doesn’t work, what should you do? Try something else...use a different strategy, ask questions, and/or ask for help
Comprehension and affixes- story writing