"Pickled" Pennings


"Pickled" Pennings is a way for us to play with my name (Pickel rhymes with Michele – but most people can’t spell so they say “Pickle”), and to “iron” out (I know, very few people still iron their clothes much less their thoughts) scrambled, scrunched up thoughts and ideas.  This is also a place where we can play with divergent ideas and thoughts and pull them together to create a place of synergy for new innovations, ideas, creations, and solutions to gnarly problems! Perhaps I will also get to practice wrestling with Phenomenological Research ideas as I make observations and then process those observations through writing. Of course, you KNOW I will also share, exciting insights I hear from God during my devo/exercise times. When writing for work or publication, I feel compelled to use more traditional, accepted writing conventions, but HERE since it is MY blog – I can use all the CAPS, ( ), – - , “ “, and … that I want. Just think, if you follow Pickled Pennings, you will never miss a “Pickelism”